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Pump and Motor Supply and Repairs

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Price upon request
Location 1

Service Description

1.) Electric Motor Incoming Documentation: During electric motor repair, it is vital to document all nameplate information. We also clean parts and visually inspect the electric motor. 2.) Measuring & Testing during Electric Motor Repair: When we complete an electric motor refurbishment, we measure the motor’s components such as shaft runout, bearing journals, bearing housings, keyways, output shaft diameter, and more. Furthermore, we also conduct testing of the rotor conditions through a growl test and hot spot tests. At this stage during an electric motor repair, we test the windings through surge testing, phase resistance, insulation resistance megger, Hi-pot (AC destructive, DC non-destructive), and visually insect the electric motor winding. 3.) Machining: Depending on the condition of the motor, machining is a necessary part of the electric motor repair process. Our in-house machining department works on failed housing, repairing or manufacturing new shafts, and more. For electric motor shaft repair, we can weld and machine shafts, chrome and grind, make a new shaft, and straighten a shaft. We also ensure the proper material is selected and also heat treat material as necessary. 4.) Dynamic Balancing for Electric Motor Repair: Poseidon electric motor repair shop follows and exceeds ISO 1940-1 standards for repair on all rotating apparatus. Balancing is an important step in the electric motor repair process, as it greatly impacts the longevity of the motor repair. 5.) Electric Motor Stripping: The stripping of your windings is a very important part of the electric motor refurbishment process. Poseidon utilizes MotorSafe stripping that protect the motor and its laminations. 6.)Electric Motor Rewinding: Electric motor rewinding is very detail oriented and can impact the longevity of your electric motor. We rewind motors back to OEM specifications or greater, using the proper wire selection and high quality materials such as phase paper, insulation, and slot liners. ” 7.) Electric Motor Varnishing: After rewinding, an electric motor is varnished to electrically insulate the winding and to mechanically protect it from contamination & vibration. 8.) Assembly & Testing: After winding and varnishing, the electric motor is re-assembled and tested during our quality control process 9.)Painting: The final step of the electric motor repair process is painting. We paint every motor that has been repaired and follow any request from our customers.

Contact Details

  • 786 882 4320

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